Reisestellenkarte der Degussa Bank

Transparency in travel expense accounting is an important factor for you. You want to reduce the workload of your accounting department and make travel booking easy for your employees. Choose the OLB lodge card. It enables you to keep full control over bookings and costs.
Reisestellenkarte (RSK)

Take advantage of the Lodge Card benefits

  • Employees don’t need to make advance payments
  • Transaction overview in the Company Cardholder Portal
  • Provision of data for travel billing systems and financial accounting
  • Tax-deductible transaction billing
  • Insurance benefits included
  • Approved for common company support programs
  • At your request as Mastercard or Visa card
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Centralised billing

You can easily integrate our Lodge Card into your existing travel management processes. The card is stored centrally as a virtual payment solution. You can then book and pay for travel services that need to be prepaid, such as flights, train travel or travel agency services, conveniently and centrally.


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Optimized accounting

Delivery of data for your travel billing systems and financial accounting is straightforward. You will receive your data in standard CSV or XML file format. This ensures smooth integration into enterprise resource planning systems such as SAP. The joint statement for the Lodge Card complies with all legal sales tax requirements and excludes VAT.
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High quality data

You can define up to ten additional data fields, such as cost centre, personnel number, approval number, reason or supervisor name. Simply let us know which mandatory fields you need for all transactions. All required additional information per transaction will be sent to you together with your statement. This will enable you to quickly assign and review each item.


The right solution for your company

Call now and secure advantages as a company: 069 3600-2121


Deutsche Bahn Connect - Bonvoyo

Already as Degussa Bank, we started the cooperation with Deutsche Bahn Connect - Bonvoyo. A good cooperation, which we are happy and committed to continue as OLB as well!

"Mit der Mobilitätsbudget-App Bonvoyo können Unternehmen ihren Mitarbeitern jetzt einen komfortablen und individuellen Benefit bieten.
Die Reisestellenkarte der Degussa Bank trägt maßgeblich dazu bei: Arbeitnehmer bezahlen ihre privaten und dienstlichen Fahrten einfach über die App und müssen nicht in Vorleistung gehen. Dank der optimierten Abrechnung entsteht im Nachgang kein zusätzlicher Prozessaufwand für Unternehmen.
Wir sind froh, die Weiterentwicklung der innovativen App in Zusammenarbeit mit der Degussa Bank voranzubringen. Damit leisten wir gemeinsam einen entscheidenden Beitrag für mehr Nachhaltigkeit in Unternehmen."
Deutsche Bahn Connect