Who can apply for an OLB Corporate Card?

In general, every employee of a company that has concluded a framework agreement with OLB may apply for an OLB Corporate Card, as long as they are entitled to do under the company’s internal travel guidelines.


What expenses should be paid for using the OLB Corporate Card?

The Corporate Card should be used to pay for work-related expenses as specified in your travel guidelines, for example, during business trips.


How can I access my credit-card statements electronically?

In the personal area of the commercial card portal, you have access to your credit card statements under the "Statements" option.


How long is my Corporate Card valid?

The expiration date of your card (month/year) is printed on the front of your Corporate Card.


My Corporate Card is no longer valid. When will I receive a new card?

You will automatically receive a new card before the expiration of your Corporate Card. This will be sent to the address we have on file for you approximately four weeks before the expiry of your validity period. Your PIN remains unchanged, and will not be replaced.


Can I withdraw cash using my Corporate Card?

Unless there has been made a different agreement with your employer, you can use your Corporate Card to withdraw money from any ATM with a Mastercard or Visa logo.


What is the drawing limit on my Corporate Card?

Your card’s drawing limit and current balance can be found in the personal area of the commercial card portal.


How can I change my card’s drawing limit?

Changes to drawing limits must be submitted in writing to OLB. You can find the form for drawing-limit changes at OLB, or in the form repository section of the commercial card portal. The form must be signed by you and an authorised person within your company.


When will my card transactions be billed?

Your card transactions will be billed once per month. You can find the billing date as part of the card details in the personal area of the commercial card portal.


When will the statement amount be deducted from my account?

OLB generally provides commercial card holders with a grace period before payment is due. The date of the direct-debit collection will be communicated to you on your statement.


Can I see my Corporate Card transactions online?

Yes, you can retrieve the transactions made with your Corporate Card online, as well as your statements. The commercial card portal is available to you for this purpose.

Simply log on at: https://firmenkarten.olb.de/en/login. The first time you access the site, you will have to register before logging in. To do so, you will need an email address, your card, and your online ID. The commercial card portal is available 24 hours a day from any personal computer, mobile phone, or tablet.


Who can I contact if I find discrepancies in my credit card statement, or if I suspect the card has been misused?

If you have any questions about your credit-card statement, call our Card Services division at any time at +49 (0)441 / 99909 – 2347.


What should I do if I have discovered misuse of my credit card?

If you notice that your credit card has been used for payments that you have not approved, you must promptly place a block on your Corporate Card. To do so, please contact our card deactivation hotline at +49 (0)441 / 99909 – 2346 (24-hour hotline).


What should I do if I have lost my Corporate Card, or if it has been stolen?

In the case of loss or theft of your Corporate Card, please deactivate it promptly by calling the card deactivation hotline at +49 (0)441 / 99909 – 2346 (24-hour hotline).

You will not be responsible for the associated risk and will be insured against the financial consequences only after you report the loss or theft. Before reporting the loss or theft, you will be responsible for a deductible of €50.


Is there any insurance associated with my Corporate Card?

You can see whether there is any insurance associated with your Corporate Card in the card-details section of the commercial card portal’s personal area.

You can read about the included insurance benefits here.


Can I also obtain a credit card for personal transactions?

Yes. You can find suitable offers for personal credit cards here.


Who can I talk to if I have other questions about Corporate Cards?

If you have additional questions about your Corporate Card, you can reach us by telephone at +49 (0)441 / 99909 – 2347, or by email at firmenkarten-service@olb..de.