Insurance packages for Corporate Cards

Together with you, we will arrange the insurance package for your Corporate Card program to provide your employees on business trips with comprehensive support as needed. At the same time, you meet your duty of care as an employer.
Silver Plus Gold
Vehicle Accident Insurance
Passenger Accident Insurance
24-hour Business Trip Accident Insurance
Global Health Insurance
Vehicle Damage Insurance (rental-car)
Personal Liability Insurance for Travel Abroad    
Flight delay insurance
Baggage Delay Insurance
Emergency Service/Assistance

Insurance package for Lodge Cards

Our centrally settled Lodge Cards always come with the basic insurance package and offer your employees insurance cover even if they do not have personal corporate cards.
Vehicle Accident Insurance
Health insurance for travel abroad
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Your contact to our insurance partner:

IMA Assistance 24/7 Ermergency Service:
Hotline: + 49 69 3600 2343